Thursday, November 11, 2010

Few Words About Prepaid Telephone Cards

In this text you will find info about development of calling cards since 1970 to our times. As the result of dearth of money and systematic robbery in the pay telephone system the invention of prepaid calling cards was very important and essential.
The way out of riddle proposed the provider of vending machines, who found prepaid calling cards. Prepaid telephone cards were a proposition of telecommunication corporation SIDA.

The first state which started to apply prepaid telephone cards was Italy in 1976.
In 1977 the point of countries which utilized prepaid calling cards significantly rose, among them: Austria, France, Sweden and United Kingdom. These cards made likely to get rid of the many obstacles, consequently they quickly became popular amid the people, soon the rest of Europe began to use prepaid telephone cards. Already in 1982, prepaid calling cards were used in different parts of the world. During this period they appeared even in Asia.

There was found an interesting deployment to telephone cards Japan, they apply them in Subway.. In 1987 these prepaid telephone cards began to be used in Western world. The first corporations which presented magstripes technology were Siemens and General Electric Company. Nowadays, you may see magnetic stripes
technologies all over in economical sphere.
In 1989 AT&T, a big telecommunication corporation began to explore a world of prepaid phone cards. This corporation started to acquaint Hawaii with world of prepaid telephone cards. Soon they introduce these cards to other parts of United States of America. In 1990 phone cards began to be utilized on magnetic based. At this period, the growth of calling cards industry came to rise. The new level of protection appeared in Western world it was first PIN number, also long distance calls and other services.

In 1992 all major and leading telecommunication firms began to manufacture calling cards. Not only huge communication firms understood the benefit of creating calling cards but also small companies started to manufacture the phone cards of their own. The point of twelve million dollars was reached during only two years. An incredible leap in sales in 1993, when the mark reached 25 million US dollars, has caused interest of majority corporations to prepaid calling cards.

In 1995 prepaid phone cards with embedded chips replaced calling cards with magnetic technique. It caused a colossal growth in sales. They reached 650 million US dollars.

Year 2000 and onwards the sales reached billions of dollars. In our time the calling cards include a wide range of services, among them: online phone cards, international phone cards, IP communication, fax and many another attendances.

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