Top Network Marketers execute the simple phone call in a much different way than most people. They are exceedingly prepared for each call and resist the urge to just “wing it” like the novice marketer. If you follow the 3 keys to mastering the telephone below, you will see your success double or triple in the next few months.
1) Pre-Call study
A successful phone call to a prospect starts before you ever pick up the phone. It is essential that you initially gather all of the information about the prospect you can. Know who you are going to speak to, where they live, and prepare to open the dialogue with ice breaking questions to create some rapport.
2) Pre-Call Objectives
Write down the questions that you want to ask your prospect and create an agenda to follow. Adding structure to your conversations will establish you as a leader in the mind of your prospect and keep the conversation on track. Your calls will be shorter, gather more information, provide more value, and be more effective with this extra level of preparation.
3) Post-Call Analysis
Immediately after the call ends, write down every fact that you can remember. Do not trust your memory by waiting until the end of the day. Review your own performance and identify ways you can make improvements on the next call. Did you answer every objection? Did you give a call to action? Where were you weakest? Focus to improve your areas of weakness and your results will skyrocket.
Start to assemble your database by inserting all of the information you gained from the phone call about your prospect. Then, prior to speaking with your customer again, review your notes. They will be impressed that you have done your homework and view you as a true authority.
You willingness and capability to prepare thoroughly are critical to your long term success. When in doubt – over-prepare. You will notice immediate results if you apply these 3 principles to your prospecting telephone calls.
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